The Camino to Santiago as Pilgrimage.
Here you will find information about six of the Caminos to Santiago in Spain. There are maps, GPS routes for the Ruta de la Lana, and comments on some albergues which are open on some of the long Caminos de Santiago in Spain. My intention is to tell a story of an interior journey of personal change. So it is largely a story more than a descriptive blog.
Others have written much better than I can about the various Caminos as regards their history, their art and their traditions. A good place to look for an overview of the routes is here: And for a great forum with lots of information where you can ask everything you want with replies from experts:
Here I am writing about my experiences on three Caminos,
The Via de La Plata (2010)
The Camino de Levante (2011)
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The Ruta de La Lana (2013)
The Ruta de La Lana is probably the most solitary route in Spain and ideal for anyone wanting solitude. The quietest part is from Almansa to Burgos, passing through some of Spain’s least populated provinces.
I am writing about my spiritual journey although there will be details about life on the Camino of interest to anyone wanting to walk one of these routes.